Monitoring informs OAC restoration
Monitoring of water and aquatic species inform restoration work in Old Ausable Channel (OAC) in Grand Bend area
Environmental monitoring staff from Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) collect data on the Old Ausable Channel (OAC) in Grand Bend.
Mari Veliz is ABCA Healthy Watersheds Manager. She said it is important to know about water levels and the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen in this important channel ecosystem.
The OAC is home to three at-risk fish species: Pugnose Shiner; Lake Chubsucker; and Grass Pickerel. Low oxygen concentrations, nutrient enrichment, sediment loads, and invasive species can all impact aquatic species
Ausable Bayfield Conservation works with local communities, including Southcott Pines and Huron Woods, on projects to monitor and improve the channel. This year (2022), the ABCA has installed staff gauges at the road crossings so local people can better understand water level information. ABCA is also helping to prepare a Natural Infrastructure Grant to improve habitat conditions for the channel.
To learn more visit the Ausable Bayfield Conservation website ( and the Friends of the Old Ausable Channel website.
You are also invited to contact Healthy Watersheds staff at Ausable Bayfield Conservation by email or phone.
Their contact information is listed on the staff contact page of the website.
This article is one in a series on environmental monitoring in Ausable Bayfield watersheds around September 18 (the date when World Water Monitoring Day has traditionally been celebrated). This series is part of the World Water Monitoring Challenge (EarthEcho Water Challenge).
The EarthEcho Water Challenge is held each year to highlight work that takes place around the world to monitor water quality. This world-wide event takes place between March 22 (World Water Day) and December of each year.
Find out more at EarthEcho Monitoring Challenge.
PHOTO CUTLINE/CAPTION: Ross Wilson, Water and Soils Resource Coordinator with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA), is shown at the Old Ausable Channel in the Grand Bend area with one of the newly-installed water level gauges helping the public to better understand water level information in this distinct ecosystem.