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Your Conservation Authority

Protecting life, property and watershed resources in partnership with the community.

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Aerial view of part of the region

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

A photo of map of temporarily closed area.

Property in McGillivray closed temporarily

Work on a property, in the former McGillivray Township, is expected to take up to three weeks and it is expected the property will be reopened by the end of September.
Junior Conservationist Graeme Irwin helps to measure a Brook Trout.

Student from Lucan works as Jr. Conservationist

Graeme Irwin, of Lucan, is 2024 Junior Conservationist. In this two-month summer job experience program, funded by the Conservation Foundation, he is learning lots about conservation.
An image of a map showing location of temporarily closed property.

Hay Swamp property re-opening

This is a public notice that a property (Part Lots 8 and 9, Concession 8, Hay) is expected to re-open by the end of the day on September 5, 2024.
Thanks to the community for protecting our turtles and reporting turtle sightings.
Turtle Reporting
Report your sightings of turtles here.

Order trees before end of February accompanied by payment.
Order Trees
Order trees through spring and fall tree order forms.