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New kayak launch at Morrison Reservoir

More than 100 women attended the event celebrating new kayak launch.


Community raises $10,500 for kayak launch at Morrison Dam Conservation Area

New floating kayak launch at Morrison Dam Conservation Area (MDCA) east of Exeter makes it easier, and safer, to get into, and out of, Morrison Reservoir (Morrison Lake); More than 100 women take part in women’s sunset kayak night on August 22, 2023

Community members have raised $10,500 for a new floating kayak launch at Morrison Dam Conservation Area (MDCA) east of Exeter. The kayak launch was possible thanks to a community-wide fundraising campaign led by Exeter resident Susan Riddell. 

The kayak launch allows kayakers to safely enter and exit Morrison Reservoir (Morrison Lake). 

Nathan Schoelier is Stewardship and Lands Manager with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). He said the new kayak launch, installed at the conservation area, is thanks to the initiative and dedication of the organizers and the community.

“This is an amazing example of community leadership and effort,” he said. “This simply would not have been possible without the hard work of the organizers and without the support of the community.” The kayak launch offers a way for people to experience nature and gain a new appreciation for nature in their own backyard, he said.

Exeter’s Susan Riddell said it was worth all the effort to see the smiles on the faces of people using the new kayak launch. She said kayaking is a wonderful way to enjoy nature. “Kayaking in nature is good for physical health and for mental health,” she said.

She thanked all the people in the community who supported the cause, including kayakers, local donors, businesses, and service organizations.

The kayak launch fundraising campaign would like to acknowledge the following donors:

  • C. J. Exeter Inc. (Crabby Joe’s)
  • South Huron Optimist Club
  • Ondrejicka Elevators Limited
  • Harry and Margaret Knip
  • Syfilco Ltd.
  • Hansen’s Your Independent Grocer – Exeter
  • Frayne’s Exeter Toyota
  • Huron Tractor
  • Huron Motor Products
  • Matt Den Hollander – Experience Camping RV Sales
  • Jayden’s Mechanical – Jayden Desjardine

Susan Riddell and Brianne Webber hosted a women’s sunset kayak night, on Morrison Reservoir, on August 22, 2023. More than 100 kayakers took part in the event to celebrate the installation of the kayak launch. The kayak night raised $1,600 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron, thanks to the raffle of a new kayak, which was donated by Canadian Tire, Exeter.

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