Conservation Lands Strategy

Board approves Conservation Lands Strategy
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) Board of Directors approved the new Conservation Lands Strategy (CLS) on November 21, 2024.
The new Strategy is posted on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation website as per Ontario Regulation 686/21: Mandatory Programs and Services under Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27.
- Download the Conservation Lands Strategy – 3 MB (large) PDF file
The document is available in alternate format upon request.
This new document provides an over-arching framework that guides management planning, and implementation on all ABCA properties.
The strategy recognizes the mission, and vision of the ABCA, and includes further management goals, objectives, and considerations that subsequently guides property-level management planning and implementation.
Last winter, ABCA completed preliminary public engagement to better understand how the community uses ABCA property. Through this engagement, ABCA learned more about the properties that people are using, and how often they visit the properties; what type of activities people are participating in, how they felt ABCA should invest in the properties, and how the community felt management objectives should be prioritized.
ABCA received positive feedback through these engagement efforts, and the feedback was incorporated into the development of the Conservation Lands Strategy.
ABCA subsequently received feedback, through written comments, on the draft Conservation Lands Strategy, between October 2 and 22, 2024.
That consultation period is now complete. Thank you for having provided your comments.